AGM Minutes: 2022

From Cambridge Larp Society

Treasurer's Report

The society had no incomings or out goings during the year, so the financial position has not changed.

President's Report

As was discussed last AGM, we are no longer a university society. Due to the current pandemic there were no in person interactives, but linears did take place along with Discord interactives.

Motions for Constitutional Changes

  • (chronologically took place after system choice)

The society would not be able to afford to keep using the UCH for more than a year with current attendance. Discussion was had on how to resolve this.

Non binding votes were taken on increasing the non-concession price (7-0 in favour) and reducing interactive frequency to fortnightly (5-3 in favour).

There will be an EGM to choose a new venue and interactive price.

Appointment of Committee


  • (chronologically took place at the end of the meeting)

Corin was elected as President (8-1)


Jon was elected as Treasurer (6-1)


Storm was elected as Secretary (6-0)

System choice and appointment of Head Ref

Falling Skies, with Lex as head ref, was unanamously choosen.

Other Motions


Any Other Business
