Cambridge Larp Society

From Cambridge Larp Society

Welcome to the Cambridge Larp Society Wiki! We run twice-weekly Live-Action Roleplaying (LARP) games, as well as a weekend-long game at the end of the year.

Our Current Game

The current campaign is "No Flag, No Country", a game of exploration and discovery set in a mysterious archipelago.


Easter Week 2: Interactive- 7pm, UCH

This week, the Builder Church is holding its Bonfire of the Vanities, and they are willing to turn anything into kindling- especially the ‘criminals’ of the Portal Research Evening. Whispers have grown to screaming, as the blockade can’t stop . Meanwhile with reports of Fire Mages returning to Mat Sellah, this may be the last chance to stop the fire spreading, before the Builder herself burns to the ground…

Easter Week 2: Linear- 1pm, Granchester Meadows

There will be a linear on Granchester Meadows at 1pm on Saturday! As usual, recruitment will occur during the Interactive, so keep your eyes open

Easter Week 3: EGM

There will be an EGM next week, that being 6th May- it will take place at the Wesley Methodist Church (Coincidentally where the interactive will be held!). We will be electing a new treasurer for next year.