Cambridge Larp Society

From Cambridge Larp Society

Photo by Tom Garnett
Photo by Tom Garnett

Welcome to the Cambridge Larp Society Website!

Cambridge Larp Society (CLS) is a University of Cambridge society which organises regular Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) events. LARP involves playing the part of a character you create and escaping into a world of magic, mystery and danger. CLS runs a continuing game over the course of the year, meeting once or twice a week for socialising and adventuring together in a fantasy world. Participation is open to everyone, not just members of the university. To find out more about LARP, visit our FAQ.

More information about events we run can be found here, and you can contact us here.

You can sign up to the mailing list here.

Our Current Game

The upcoming campaign for the next two years is "Breaking Worlds", a game of adventure, discovery, and intrigue set in a world of high fantasy and mysticism.

Photo by Kay Chard
Photo by Kay Chard


The first interactive will be on Friday 14th October at 19:00 at the Unitarian Church Hall.

The first linear will be on Saturday 15th October at 13:00.

The next 3 interactives will also be at the UCH.

Bookings for the banquet are now open.